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Título : Pulmonary manifestations of inflammatory bowel disease
Autores: Tejeda Taveras, Nicole
Rivera Martínez, Arlenys
Kumar, R.
Jamil, A.
Kumar, B.
Investigadores (UNIBE): Tejeda Taveras, Nicole 
Rivera Martínez, Arlenys 
Afiliaciones : Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud 
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud 
Área de investigación : Ciencias de la Salud
Palabras clave: IBD; Inflammatory bowel disease; Pulmonary manifestations
Fecha de publicación : 2021
Editorial : Cureus, Inc.
Publicado en: Cureus, 13(3), e14216
Revista: Cureus 
Volumen : 13
Número : 3
Página de inicio : e14216
Resumen : 
The frequency of extraintestinal manifestations of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is observed in most of the patients. Extraintestinal manifestations of IBD have been implicated in all the anatomic sites of the pulmonary tree, and include airway inflammation of the bronchi and bronchioles and parenchymal inflammation. There is a wide range of pulmonary manifestations in IBD, and most of them look a lot like other diseases. Doctors should keep a track of these conditions to avoid unnecessary complications and to provide an early diagnosis with correct and efficient treatment. IBD-related respiratory disorders are treated depending on the patient, but in most of them, steroids are generally chosen first. Steroids, both inhalational and systemic, are the primary approach. Antibiotics could also be given if the patient has infections or suppuration, usually followed by surgeries. However, drug-induced complications and toxicity should be kept in mind.
URI : http://cris.unibe.edu.do/handle/123456789/267
DOI : 10.7759/cureus.14216
Aparece en las colecciones: Publicaciones del Área de Salud - Medicina
Publicaciones indexadas en Scopus / Web of Science

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