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Title: Comorbid conditions in relation to controlled substance abuse
Autores: Fortino, M.
Kulich, R. J.
Kaufman, J. A.
Researchers (UNIBE): Franca, Hudson 
Affiliations: Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud 
Research area: Ciencias de la Salud
Keywords: Brief intervention; Overdose; Prescreen; Referral; SBIRT; Screening; Substance use disorder
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Elsevier Inc.
Source: Dental Clinics of North America, 64(3), 535-546
Journal: Dental Clinics of North America 
Volume: 64
Issue: 3
Start page: 535
End page: 546
Dental patients who experience comorbid psychiatric and medical conditions present an elevated risk of medication misuse, abuse, substance use disorders, and overdose. The authors review the role of notable comorbidities in predicting the development of substance use disorder, including medical, psychiatric, and other psychosocial factors that can be assessed in general dental practice. Psychiatric disorders commonly cooccur with substance abuse, and these typically include anxiety disorders, mood disorders (major depression, bipolar), posttraumatic stress, as well as sleep and eating disorders. Medical disorders commonly found to be present with substance use disorders are also reviewed, including common cardiovascular and pulmonary disorders.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cden.2020.03.001
Appears in Collections:Publicaciones indexadas en Scopus / Web of Science
Publicaciones del Área de Salud - Odontología

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