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Title: Mandibular molar protraction with the Forsus appliance as anchorage reinforcement
Autores: Antelo, O. M.
Amadi, A. K.
Reyes Pacheco, Ariel Adriano
Martins Meira, T.
Motohiro Tanaka, O.
Researchers (UNIBE): Reyes Pacheco, Ariel Adriano 
Affiliations: Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud 
Research area: Ciencias de la Salud
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Journal of Clinical Orthodontics
Source: Journal of clinical orthodontics : JCO, 56(12), 725-733; 2022
Journal: Journal of Clinical Orthodontics : JCO 
Volume: 56
Issue: 12
Start page: 725
End page: 733
A Forsus fixed functional appliance is used for anchorage during protraction of the lower molars in a young patient with missing lower second premolars. This approach corrects the Class II, division 1 malocclusion while avoiding overretraction of the lower incisors.
Appears in Collections:Publicaciones indexadas en Scopus / Web of Science
Publicaciones del Área de Salud - Odontología

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