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Título : Towards a new perspective on oral health, cariology education and public health in Latin America and the Caribbean
Autores: Bönecker, M.
Paiva, S. M.
Martignon, S.
Abreu-Placeres, Ninoska
Sampaio, F.
Stewart, B.
Malheiros, Z.
Investigadores (UNIBE): Abreu-Placeres, Ninoska 
Afiliaciones : Centro de Investigación en Biomateriales y Odontología (CIBO) 
Área de investigación : Ciencias de la Salud
Fecha de publicación : 2023
Editorial : Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa Odontológica - SBPqO
Publicado en: Brazilian Oral Research, 17(suppl 1), e122; 2023
Revista: Brazilian Oral Research 
Volumen : 37
Número : Suppl 1
Página de inicio : e122
Resumen : 
Dental caries disease poses a significant challenge to global public health, particularly in the Latin American and the Caribbean Countries (LACC). Despite the significant progress in understanding as a preventable non-communicable disease, the high prevalence of untreated caries in these regions remains a cause for concern that reflects the social and economic inequalities and inadequate funding for prevention and treatment these countries face.
URI : http://cris.unibe.edu.do/handle/123456789/426
DOI : https://doi.org/10.1590/1807-3107BOR-2023.vol37.0122
Aparece en las colecciones: Publicaciones del CIBO-UNIBE

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