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Título : Dominican tourism clusters: pillars of development
Autores: Constanzo, Pilar
Investigadores (UNIBE): Constanzo, Pilar 
Afiliaciones : Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales 
Área de investigación : Ciencias Sociales
Palabras clave: Cluster; Competitiveness; Alliances; Integration
Fecha de publicación : 2015
Editorial : Springer
Publicado en: En: Panosso Netto y Gonzaga Godoy Trigo (eds.) Tourism in Latin America. Springer, Cham, pp. 235-246.
Publicación (s) relacionada (s) : Tourism in Latin America
Página de inicio : 235
Página final : 246
Resumen : 
The touristic clusters’ function is grouping the different players within a destination with the aim of jointly outlining the vision, path and action plan to enhance their competitiveness. Since 2003, in the Dominican Republic ten touristic clusters have formed, which boast several accomplishments: the creation of commercial capacity, joint ventures in public-private alliances, the establishment of themselves as legal Non-Governmental Organizations, the diversification of touristic products, the promotion of differential cultural aspects, and environmental conservation activities. Associativism highlights as the most important: organizations cannot compete by themselves. They need the support of their employees, the educational system, the communities, and the government. The Dominican touristic clusters have reached a high level of local empowerment, and together with the Dominican Consortium for Tourism Competitiveness, which is the umbrella cluster, their continuity is guaranteed.
URI : http://cris.unibe.edu.do/handle/123456789/318
DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-05735-4_13
Aparece en las colecciones: Publicaciones de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales

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